Antispam filtering service

Our antispam filter rejects emails that have viruses or that are considered junk emails (spam), without having to install programs or equipment in your company.

The antispam filtering service that we offer covers your entire domain (.com, .net,, etc.), and works for any mail server such as Zimbra, Exchange, Kerios, among others, and mail services such as Outlook and Micosoft 365.

As long as your company has its own domain with personalized emails (i.e @, we can filter emails safely and economically.

The benefits of email spam / antivirus filtering:

  • Reduction of the impact of spam on your server resources.
  • It is handled at the DNS level, reducing “bot” attacks on mail servers.
  • Significant decrease in spam and viruses in emails.
  • Each person in the company who has an email can directly manage their email quarantine, so as not to burden the company’s IT department.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm


BAC Tower,

12th Floor, Balboa Avenue.

Panamá, República de Panamá.