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Natural disasters, cuts in information technology or strikes are the interruptions that we find most frequently in our environment. However, the interruption also includes employee illnesses or some events that affect our supply chain or the proper operation of its services.

Business Continuity Management provides a framework that enables you to identify potential threats to your organization and strengthen your organization’s capacity. This means that you can respond to threats and safeguard stakeholder interests, reputation, brand, and activities that provide added value.

Continuidad de negocios

Business continuity

ISO 22301: 2012 provides a formal business continuity framework and will guide us in developing a business continuity plan that will keep your organization running during and after the disruption. It will also minimize the impact of a disruptive event, so you can resume service as quickly as possible, ensuring that key services and products are delivered.

WHAT IS ISO 22301: 2012?

ISO 22301: 2012 is the new international standard for business continuity management. It has been created in response to strong international demand for the original British standard, BS 25999-2 and other standards. ISO 22301: 2012 identifies the fundamentals of a business continuity management system, establishing the business continuity management process, principles and terminology.
It provides a foundation for understanding, developing and implementing business continuity within your organization and gives you business-to-business and business-to-customer confidence. The standard provides organizations with a framework that ensures that they can continue to work during the most difficult and unexpected circumstances – protecting their employees, maintaining their reputation, and providing the ability to continue working and marketing.

The standard is particularly important in those organizations working in high-risk environments where the ability to continue working is of the utmost importance to businesses, customers, and stakeholders – this includes utilities, finance, telecommunications, transportation and business. the public sector.

BENEFITS OF ISO 22301:2012

ISO 22301:2012 business continuity has many benefits.

These include:

Maximize quality and efficiency
It provides a consistent common framework, based on international best practices, to manage business continuity.

Help protect and enhance your reputation and brand.

Competitive advantage
It opens up new markets for you and helps you win new business.

Win more contracts more cost effectiveness
It gives you a marketing advantage and by using certification, it can help you reduce the cost of very expensive offers.

Continuous improvement
The process proposes regular audits which ensure your management system is up to date.

Cost savings
It creates opportunities to reduce the costs of business continuity auditors and reduces the impact it would have if you were to stop operating for a long time.

Provides a proven ability to handle an outage.


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Office hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm


BAC Tower,

12th Floor, Balboa Avenue.

Panamá, República de Panamá.