Google will penalize your website if it does not have a web certificate

We turn to the Internet for everything, buy, sell, information, etc. Greater online security is a necessity, and that is why Google changed its policies towards websites without digital certificates since 2018. If you have a website without a digital certificate, still running on http: and not on https, (without a “lock”), you are being penalized by Google in the results of its searches. Additionally, to all users of the Google Chrome browser, the popular Google web browser, since its version 68 of July 2018, the website is marked as “Not Secure”, as well as it is possible that Chrome users cannot access to your website at all. Other browsers, such as Opera, do not allow you to browse websites without https. Not Secure Obviously that’s an end point for the vast majority of consumers, including potential customers of your website. In short, if your website is not running on https with a digital certificate, chances are you are losing most of your daily audience. Websites that have SSL certificates have the acronym HTTPS before their URL. For Internet users, the “S” in “HTTPS” indicates that the website is secure. If your website is hosted with us, you have the possibility to activate the digital certificate. We can help you with the installation of the certificate and the adequacy of your website, in case it is on WordPress, to run on https. https SOLUTECSA

Here is a link to Google’s blog:

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